Tennis at LHP

LHP Tennis Courts

Tennis Clinics and Camps

LHP, in partnership with ProsToYou Tennis, offers clinics for every age and ability, private lessons, and summer camps.

Click here to register for summer camps, clinics, and junior tennis team

Junior Tennis Team

The LHP Junior Team Tennis (JTT) competes with the MVCT Junior Division Summer League. All players between the ages of 10-18 years old will participate in matches against other local clubs (Mount Vernon Park Association, Mansion House, Riverside Gardens, to name a few).

Click here to register for Junior Tennis Team

Women’s Tennis Team

The LHP Women’s Tennis Team meets on Wednesday evenings in the summer and interested players compete for fun in MVCT Women’s Division Summer League on Thursday evenings. Also, a few tennis social events are planned throughout the summer!

Interested in joining, please email Hallie Wilfert

Men’s Tennis Team

Join the Men’s Play on Tuesday nights from 7-9 pm. This is an open-play opportunity for male players to show up and play pick-up or round robin matches. If interested in joining, please email Josh Kowalsky

Court Reservations

LHP has two hard surface courts (suitable for match play) and two sport courts. Reservations are available for all four courts outside scheduled clinics and team matches.  Instructions for reservations:

  • Go to or download the Playbypoint app
  • Create an account – this is separate from your LHP account
  • Log into website
  • Book court
  • If you need the code to get into the tennis court gate (down the path in front of the gate), please email
  • If you have questions about reservations, please contact Angela at Pros To You:

Tennis Questions?

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